Thornhill Presbyterian Church is an active, vibrant congregation with opportunities for members of all ages to learn, to serve and to play.



Presbyterians from Thornhill and Richmond Hill began worshipping together in 1811. The church in Richmond Hill was built in 1821. The separate pastorate of Thornhill was organized in 1849 and the Methodist Church building on Yonge Street was purchased. By 1879 there were 50 members, 2 Elders and 66 children in the Sunday School.

In 1957 the congregation purchased 2 acres on Centre Street across from the Oakbank pond and laid the cornerstone for the existing church building in June 1958. By December the membership was 215. By 1971 membership grew to 554.

The facilities were greatly improved with the addition of a new fellowship hall, chapel and office space in 1997. Currently, our congregation has approximately 274 members and adherents and 132 households.

Our Mission Statement

Our Vision: To discover, celebrate and share God’s love

As a congregation of God’s people, we seek through prayer and the study of God’s word, to follow Christ our Saviour with our whole heart, so each one may have a living, growing relationship with Him. As Christ’s body in the whole world, we reach out with compassion towards one another, our community and the world. Confident that we are guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we welcome diversity and change, joyfully proclaiming the changeless Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To do this, we will prayerfully:

  • worship God in services that are Biblical, joyful, challenging and relevant to today’s experience;
  • grow in our knowledge and love of Christ through learning opportunities for all;
  • reach out to those with physical and spiritual needs in our midst, our community and around the world;
  • celebrate through opportunities for fun and fellowship; and
  • recognize and accept the gifts of all for ministry to one another and in the world.

Presbyterian College

Take a look at the Presbyterian College website. The Presbyterian College is a seminary in Canada – a dynamic and global community of faith and study.

Donations to help support Thornhill Presbyterian Church

The operation of the church is entirely supported by the donations of its members and adherents.

Offering envelopes are available for those who wish to receive tax receipts at the end of the year. Contact with  any questions.

 To make an on-line donation to Thornhill Presbytrian Church  through Canada Helps, please click here or on the icon above to make your secure donation.