Christian Education
The TPC community places high value on Christian Education. The second point of our vision statement commits us, as a community, to “prayerfully grow in our knowledge and love of Christ through learning opportunities for all”.
Our Christian Education ministry sponsors a lively Sunday School program for children ages 3 to teen years. Regular programming is held concurrently with Sunday worship. Children join the worship service for the first 15 minutes, and then proceed to their classes. The Sunday School also hosts periodic fun events such as a skating party, a Hallowe’en party, and a picnic.
Junior Youth Fellowship for children under 8 years of age, there is a group that meets for special events, to have some fun.
KICK IT! Kids In Christ’s Kingdom in Thornhill, meets once per month and is for kids from grades 4 to 8. Please see Youth Groups for more details.
For teenagers, TPC has an active youth program that meets monthly for social events and opportunities to serve in the community.
Bible Studies are offered for study, prayer, and fellowship. The Sunday Morning Discovery group meets at 9:45 on Sunday mornings to engage in lively discussions of matters of faith and life based on topics and questions provided by the Minister and Lead by Edmond Lee. These groups provide an important experience of the church, as members support and encourage each other in spiritual growth. In addition to these regular programs, TPC offers semi-annual educational events with a speaker on a specific topic related to faith matters. Music Education opportunities for the congregation are provided by our Director of Music Ministry, Dan Werning, on a semi-annual basis.
Any questions or suggestions related to educational opportunities can be directed to the Office Administrator, Nadine Calfa, 905-889-5391