Sunday School & Nursery
Sunday School
Our Christian Education ministry sponsors a lively Sunday School program for children ages 3 to teen years. Regular programming is held concurrently with Sunday worship. Children join the worship service for the first 15 minutes, and then proceed to their classes. Two volunteer teachers lead each workshop class. At Christmas, the children participate in a pageant. The Sunday School also hosts periodic fun events such as a skating party, a Hallowe’en party, and a picnic.
All children and babies are welcome in worship, however TPC also provides a nursery room for parents to bring babies and toddlers under 4 to play and read books. There is a sound system that will enable parents to still hear the service. Please speak to one of the ushers.
For more information on the Sunday School Program(s) please contact the administration at 905-889-5391 or
Annual Schedule
Program year planned for September through June. Alternate program offered in July and August.
Meeting Time
Sunday mornings during 11:00 worship service. Children participate in worship for the first 15 minutes, then proceed to Sunday School. On Communion Sundays, school age children stay in worship; only nursery and pre-school programs are offered on those days.
Meeting Place
Various rooms throughout TPC, depending on the age group and the activity for the day.